Archive For October, 2008
Dress Report: Sweaterdresses & Belts For The Sweaterdress-&-Belt-Phobic
By Lesley | October 30, 2008
Every year I go through this. When temperatures start to fall here in Boston, I immediately start longing for a selection of delicious, well-fitting sweaterdresses to wear. Finding said sweaterdresses is rarely a problem. Wearing them, on the other hand, frequently poses a challenge. The sweaterdress most naturally benefits a body that is curvy in […]
How to join The Great Pumpkin in 10 easy steps: 10. Eat some. Is good. I buy mine at Trader Joe’s because that’s where I shop; I happen to live near one. It comes in a glass jar and so far is good for a year. Maybe longer. 9. Sniff someone else’s eating of some. […]
Click through to the Flickr versions for outfit info. On Flickr I get a lot of comments about my shoes. They’re pretty uniformly positive. And it’s true, I do have many, many excellent shoes. This has been true since my fatshion-bleak teenage years in the early 1990s, when all I wore was band tees (man, […]
She leaned over the small table separating us from one another and grinned. “And what do you mean by ‘femme’ in this context?” she says with eyes too clear for prodding, too rambling for security. I don’t know. I’m pushing at a coaster strewn haphazardly on a side table and begin fingering the cord connecting […]
I first learned of eShakti via conversations in the Fatshionista LiveJournal community, where the site received mixed reviews. Clearly, given my frequent gambles with Lily0808168 – the China-located seller on the eBay who makes the infamous ruffle dress, among other things – I have become a lot more willing to take a risk on an […]
If you have issues with knee-high boots not zipping up over your calves (like I always have, even when I was thin — former dancer), here’s an idea that I came up with, that works great. Lace them up with elastic. Using elastic, you can lace them much more tightly, and still have the stretch […]
The Rotund recently reminded me: I got catcalled again a weekend ago, at the mall. Crossing the parking lot, in front of a car that was stopped in traffic, I heard someone yell something about the rate at which I was moving my fat ass. I’m assuming the context wasn’t in my being slow, since […]
Seriusly…..I received a dress (2 actually) from Alight ( about 3 1/2 weeks after I ordered it. They claim this is because they were moving warehouses and thus things were taking longer to ship. Fine. I receive both dresses on a Friday and return one promptly on Monday – it was a Mlle Gabriele brand […]
Am I the only one who keeps finding myself in these situations? I have a pretty diverse selection of friends, as a result of which I tend to end up at parties or general hangouts where I only know one person. These hangouts usually consist almost exclusively of women around my age (I’m 30), and […]
The song is old (almost ten years old, which is making ME feel old), but I only recently saw the video. While it’s not directly fat-related, the video definitely has something interesting to say about the politics of willfully and unapologetically looking different in a culture that pressures folks to conform. The lyrics consist almost […]