Posts Tagged “”
They’re real, and they’re spectacular: A review of the film A Matter of Size
By Lesley | May 17, 2010
Note: I have been liberal with the spoilers in the following review, with the expectation that many of my readers may not get the chance to see the film. However, I have held back some of the more central plot points, so there are plenty of surprises left should an opportunity to see it arise […]
I rarely go out to see movies anymore. So many of them are disappointments, and leave me resentful of having wasted my money and two hours (or more!) of my life.* Instead I read a great many reviews, even of films I have no interest in, and thus I can limit myself to only watching […]
Hey, remember these? I’ve been picking through my Formspring queue after an absence of several weeks. Here’s a couple of recents; ask your own (or read the rest) here. Q. If someone offered you the chance to wake up tomorrow at a weight which was “appropriate” for your height, would you take that chance? And, […]
Bigger versions and specifics after the jump. Dress from eShakti, purple & black leopard print cardigan from Marshalls, green & black scarf from Marshalls, black t-straps by Nina Dolls. Dress by Nine West, by way of Ross; grey & white spotted cardi from Old Navy; purple jacket from Lane Bryant; pocketwatch from eBay; gold flats […]
In part one, Danelle was cast out of her clique and I began the sensitive process of carving a more permanent space for myself in same. Following this excerpt are my thoughts on the boys we worshipped, the existence of “frenemies” even before we had a word for them, and our late-1980s hairstyles. I shamelessly […]
Yesterday I remarked to my husband: I just realized that this month marks the tenth anniversary of my de-galling, that is, the day I had my gallbladder removed. I mention this experience here frequently. I hesitate to call it traumatic but it was, in a way, insofar as being an experience I went into with […]
It’s been a light week around here, I know. I have this cold-that-is-not-quite-a-cold and much of my normal internets-reading time has been spent researching information on podcasting stuff. So instead of my own words, here are some words from a couple of other, funnier people than I. CNN interviewed Sarah Silverman, and among other things, […]
Miscellany: A new podcast (already); weight loss not a game-changer; and I cannot stop watching this video.
By Lesley | April 28, 2010
Marianne and I made another mini podcast last night on the idea of the “Fatosphere”. (Also, “scare quotes”.) You can either listen or download via the web; or if you haven’t already, you can subscribe via iTunes. In it, we failed to say thank you for the tremendous offering of kudos and support from y’all, […]
It’s Alive: We join our intrepid heroes as they venture cautiously into the world of podcasting.
By Lesley | April 26, 2010
So Marianne, who likes to be fat over at The Rotund, and I have many conversations that result in many ideas, more ideas than we have time to follow through on, unfortunately. Among them is Marianne’s suggestion awhile back that she and I do some kind of video-based fat-conversatin’ adventure. We both did research on […]