Archive For The “Memoir” Category
The following was originally printed in the Summer 2010 “Body Issue” of Geez Magazine, a Canadian publication dealing with progressive spirituality. I just learned last week that it actually won something: 1st place opinion piece in the Canadian Church Press awards. Wild, huh? Anyway, that reminded me that the full text of the piece never […]
In the seventh grade, I had a friend named Janine* who uttered the word “retarded†approximately every thirty seconds while she was awake. Kids at that age are terrible people — at least I was terrible and everyone I knew was terrible — and so Janine was really no worse than the rest of us, […]
Longtime readers know that for a couple of years I made frequent photo posts about my outfits, some on this blog, but more regularly on the Fatshionista LiveJournal community where I used to be a maintainer. Lately, my long-dormant outfit-picture urge has been rising again watching all the outfits go by on the Fa(t)shion February […]
I bought my first pair of boots when I was fourteen, at a shop called The Wild Pair in the Palm Beach Mall. I’d been reading Sassy magazine for a couple years at this point, and their fondness for a particular English boot manufacturer had always intrigued me. The style was cutting edge, at the […]
I have been quiet this week because I have been sick. Unfortunately, I’ve not been quite sick enough to justify staying home lying in bed and re-watching episodes of Rome (compelling storytelling of the finest quality) and Robin Hood (terrible and yet delicious, the Chicken McNuggets of UK television). Rather, it is the kind of […]
Middle school was worst for me. I suppose it’s different for everyone; some folks have it worse in high school, but by the time I got there I was better at not picking up other people’s baggage and carrying it around like it was my own. Certainly, high school had its horrifying moments: there was […]
So I’ve been alive for thirty-three years now. When I reached plain old thirty, I was told by a great many folks that my thirties would be awesome, because their thirties were awesome, or were in the process of being awesome. I believe them. But my thirties — the three years by which I have […]
I am having a moment. I’m hoping to capture this moment here, while I’m having it, and while this semi-embarrassing flood of memories is untainted by my having overthought and reassimilated them all into something that actually connects to the now. Much of what I write here on this blog could be classified as memoir, […]
In part one, Danelle was cast out of her clique and I began the sensitive process of carving a more permanent space for myself in same. Following this excerpt are my thoughts on the boys we worshipped, the existence of “frenemies” even before we had a word for them, and our late-1980s hairstyles. I shamelessly […]
Yesterday I remarked to my husband: I just realized that this month marks the tenth anniversary of my de-galling, that is, the day I had my gallbladder removed. I mention this experience here frequently. I hesitate to call it traumatic but it was, in a way, insofar as being an experience I went into with […]