Archive For The “Guestblogs” Category
There’s a health food take out place a couple doors down from my job. Their tagline is something like, “No fried foods, no mayonnaise, no soda, no butter, no bacon, no white bread.” Sad for them, but I usually just walk on by. Yesterday morning, several of their employees were handing out menus. We actually […]
This was too good to pass up. Regarding the recent NOLOSE conference, blogger Adrienne had a few questions and a call for discussion to put up on the interwebs. We thought the folks at would enjoy a chance to chomp the bit….. I am in favor of a conference about queer fat politics that […]
Fats Acceptance or Acceptable Fats? I think it’s safe to say there’s a fat acceptance movement going on at least in the West, at least in the United States, at least according to google. It is defined (by Wikipedia of course) as such: “The fat acceptance movement, also the size acceptance movement or fat liberation […]
Good Fats vs. Bad Fats I’m surrounded by fats. Fats in my food, fats in my drink, fats hanging off the bodies of the animals whose fur I’m sharing, fats on the bodies of the workers who sweat on machines to combine the clothing I’m wearing….fats rolling under the flesh on my body. So it […]
Juxtaposing Thoughts Day 2 Blogosphere. Fatosphere. Cryptosphere. Why does the interweb taunt me so? This language I can’t grapple and this universe I can’t haggle. Individuals become peculiar and I’m left flouncing in a puddle of wet, hot Bluetooth devices. My jaw aches. I’m banging my fingers on a keyboard and hitting backspace. It seems […]
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Everyday Actions: What does an ally do? 100-400 words Deadline: September 20, 2008 Everyday Actions is looking for anecdotes about alliances. Momentary or lasting, who has supported you? How do we show up, for ourselves and for each other? I want to hear about a time you felt supported in a way […]
During the last few months, I’ve either witnessed or been a part of several fatosphere discussions/arguments that involved discussion about race, racism, and the points of intersection with fat. I’ve been meaning to write a piece about what good ally behavior might look like in these situations, but life got in the way. Unfortunately, the […]
The following is a post by a guest blogger who wished to remain anonymous. I jumped at the opportunity to host it here because this project has raised questions for me as well, though I’ve been unable to put language to what, exactly, was irking me about it. To be clear: this should NOT be […]
Last week(ish), deciding, apparently, that I hadn’t been quite had my fill of being defeated and demoralized at my 9-5, I set out to try and find a pair of jeans. My less-than-stellar fitting lb & torrid pairs (acquired on my last trip to Minneapolis) were (and still are) rapidly disintegrating and I was getting […]