Archive For October, 2008
Before I tell this story, I must first explain: one of my hobbies is cemetery photography. If you live in a place less steeped in history than I do, or if you’ve never visited a Victorian garden cemetery, this probably sounds a little strange. And, well, it is a little strange. But less strange than […]
I have 10 fingers and 10 toes. I have two hands and two feet. Everything spaced equally, I can only count so far in one day. Thus I cannot quantify how many times a day or week “HELP MY HAIR” posts show up on the interwebs. I can’t tell you how often I feel for […]
Click through to the Flickr versions for outfit info. About thirty minutes ago, friend and fellow Fatshionista blogger etana was seated on the floor in my office with her dreamy guide pup D. We were talking about the eternally-limited resources for plus size clothing, and the need to Be Resourceful. Which got me thinking. Often […]
There’s a health food take out place a couple doors down from my job. Their tagline is something like, “No fried foods, no mayonnaise, no soda, no butter, no bacon, no white bread.” Sad for them, but I usually just walk on by. Yesterday morning, several of their employees were handing out menus. We actually […]
This was too good to pass up. Regarding the recent NOLOSE conference, blogger Adrienne had a few questions and a call for discussion to put up on the interwebs. We thought the folks at would enjoy a chance to chomp the bit….. I am in favor of a conference about queer fat politics that […]
Fats Acceptance or Acceptable Fats? I think it’s safe to say there’s a fat acceptance movement going on at least in the West, at least in the United States, at least according to google. It is defined (by Wikipedia of course) as such: “The fat acceptance movement, also the size acceptance movement or fat liberation […]