Archive For The “Pop culture analysis” Category
Last week, a senior news analyst, Juan Williams, was fired from NPR. This happened as a result of comments he made on the oft-reprehensible Bill O’Reilly’s punditry show on Fox News (a network that is also oft-reprehensible, and as my husband and I walked past Rockefeller Center whilst in New York last week, my husband […]
It seems that the result many of us dreaded most has come to pass: Huge has been canceled. We’ve lost not only a series that was of impressive quality by any standard, but some of the best, most sensitive, and most nuanced representations of diverse bodies and diverse people (not to mention being really, really […]
Unless you are brand new to this blog, you’re probably aware that over the summer, ABC Family aired a series called Huge. This remarkable series portrayed a diversity of bodies and experiences from the radically size-accepting to the mundane, and did it all in a most unlikely location: a fat camp. Savannah Dooley (with help […]
Previously: There was angst. Boy howdy, was there ever. So much angst. Ian likes Amber. Will likes Ian. Amber likes George. George likes Amber, but doesn’t want to get fired. Or go to jail. In the woods, we come back to the place where we left off, and also where we began, with Will digging […]
It probably comes as a surprise to no one, at this point, that I like the fat boys. I also like the fat girls, but I am inclined to think that the sexualization of fat men’s (or male-identified) bodies tends to receive less attention than it does with the females. This is undoubtedly because women […]
Well, we are slowly winding down to the (hopefully temporary) finale. Truth be told, as much as I love recapping, I do look forward to getting back to blogging about other things, like Janelle Monae, and this dress from ASOS. Angst-O-Meter (1-5): 5 Previously: The campers weighed in. Some will win, some will lose, some […]
Tonight’s episode of Huge will feature a scene related to Seventeen Magazine’s “Body Peace Projectâ€, an effort launched in 2007 in collaboration with self-esteem guru Jess Weiner. The main thrust of the project seems to be the Body Peace Treaty, which can be read and electronically signed on Seventeen’s website. Signers of the treaty pledge […]
In between episodes, the journal entries of some of our campers appear, as if by magic, on the official Huge website. I’ve heard from a few commenters recently that these entries are written by Miz Dooley herself, and if that’s true, I suppose we can consider them canonical, if we have yet reached […]
Way back in the first episode, Ian and Will first bonded, as it were, over a shared appreciation for the Pixies. Somewhere, in one of the many interviews I’ve read (the best yet being this piece in The Advocate), producer Savannah Dooley comments that while the Pixies are as good a band to bond over […]
Previously on Huge: Dr. Gina Torres doesn’t eat after dinner. A muffin mysteriously disappeared. Chloe’s got a girl boner for Trent. Will reluctantly wrote in her Camp Victory journal. It’s nighttime. Amber and Chloe are in the cabin rehearsing a dance routine to Sir Mix-a-Lot’s famous anthem for ass, “Baby Got Backâ€. It’s cute, but […]