Quickie: Why I Love Regina Benjamin

By | October 5, 2010

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Yep, another quick hit, but I’m trying to write a book here! The above video — it’s super short so do consider watching it — was posted to the United States Health & Human Services YouTube channel back in January. Yeah, I didn’t know they had a YouTube channel either. In it, Regina Benjamin, the US Surgeon General whose nomination was met with noisy criticism over her being too fat for the job, says of the alleged fat rampage taking place over the bodies of Americans: “The good news is, we can be healthy and fit at any size or any weight. As America’s family doctor, I want to change the national conversation from a negative one about obesity and illness, to a positive conversation about being healthy and being fit.”


The radicalness of this position in the current climate cannot be understated, and it is outrageously gratifying to hear it from a top public health official. A positive conversation! Who could possibly take issue with that?

(Don’t answer.)

ETA: Whoops, Big Fat Blog already posted the video above. Oh wells, consider this a signal boost.

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