By | October 15, 2010

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So. I haven’t mentioned this here* before now because, frankly, I’m quite terrible at self-promotion and have a frustrating inclination toward devaluing my abilities and diminishing my accomplishments. This is why I would probably benefit from having some kind of agent/manager/Lesley-wrangler.

Anyway. Deep breath:

I’ve been chosen as one of 40 feminists under 40 to be honored at The Feminist Press’ 40th Anniversary Gala in New York, this rapidly-approaching Monday night. A gala! Which is sort of like a ball! Which sort of makes me like a fat feminism-y princess! I can’t be cool about this. It seems unreal. I am incredibly touched and flattered and teary-eyed and blubbery* at the people who nominated me for this — not to mention extraordinarily humbled to be in such astonishing company. Have you seen the list?

It’s been awhile, so I just wanted to say thank you, from the very core of my soul, for reading and commenting and lurking and agreeing and calling me full of shit. It is a privilege and a pleasure, to communicate with so many people, so loudly, on subjects about which I am so passionate, and I will never take that for granted, not for a moment. My words are nothing without you all to read them, so: thank you.

Gala Evite

* I have mentioned it on the Twitters and the Facebooks, though. Baby steps.

** In the emotional sense, as opposed to the physical one, which I am ALL THE TIME already.

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