By Lesley | August 7, 2010

I don’t often post outfits during the summer because, frankly, my summer wardrobe is kind of boring. It’s a dress and a pair of shoes. Voilà ! That’s pretty much how it goes every day. I took a picture on Friday afternoon anyway. Because it’s been awhile. What you’re seeing above is a Calvin Klein dress — originally $120+, I got it at Ross for $40, and it’s sort of insulting that anyone is expected to pay full price for this thing. It’s not even lined. What’s the $120 for? The label inside? The denim bolero is wicked old and from Lane Bryant. Yes, it is so old that it comes from a time in my life when Lane Bryant was carrying clothing I wanted to wear. The shoes are these oxfords by Report and are somewhat new. Or they would be if I hadn’t been wearing them pretty much every day since I got them.
So there you have it: boring summer outfit. Worry not, my loves, soon fall will descend upon us and I’ll be donning fifteen million layers again.
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