Archive For The “Gaga Scholar” Category
My (relatively brief) analysis of Lady Gaga’s new video for “Judas” is up over on Gaga Stigmata. In it, I look at prostitution as the video’s main thematic thread, and its messages about what our culture does to women in positions of power. Check it out: Gaga/Magdalene: Unpacking Prostitution in “Judasâ€. Here is a quote […]

A couple weeks ago, following a short Twitter exchange, Meghan Vicks — who is one of the editors over at Gaga Stigmata, the amazing critical e-journal I totally would contribute to on a daily basis if only I could give up this annoying habit of sleeping — asked if I’d be willing to participate in […]
My husband hates Lady Gaga. It’s true. My husband fails to recognize Lady Gaga in the way that I do, and by extension he fails to comprehend my affection for her. This is a conversation we have ceased to have, as it can no longer take place in a constructive or illuminating way, but it […]
Madonna, Lady Gaga, and Breaking the Male Gaze: A Close Reading of “Alejandroâ€
By Lesley | June 9, 2010
The idea of the “gaze†as a broad psychological concept beyond the simple meaning of the word comes to us from Jacques Lacan, a French theorist (a psychoanalyst, really, but we won’t hold that against him) most influential in the mid-20th who was really very interested in how we look at things. Like many giant […]