Archive For The “ Archived Posts” Category
Marketing with Substance: JetBlue’s subtle nod to “passengers of size.”
By Lesley | September 1, 2010
This morning I was poking around JetBlue’s website, mostly looking to see if they’ve implemented in-flight wifi yet (they haven’t), when I ran across a new series of promotional videos of JetBlue customers explaining why JetBlue is so freaking awesome. I already knew JetBlue was pretty awesome, so under normal circumstances I’d ignore these videos, […]
Previously: There was angst. Boy howdy, was there ever. So much angst. Ian likes Amber. Will likes Ian. Amber likes George. George likes Amber, but doesn’t want to get fired. Or go to jail. In the woods, we come back to the place where we left off, and also where we began, with Will digging […]
Do Something: Keep body diversity on TV, and support a second season of Huge.
By Lesley | August 30, 2010
Tonight the season finale of Huge will be aired. Are you bummed about that? All of my protestations about returning to non-recap-centric blogging aside, I am going to miss this show enormously (ha) when it’s done. This summer, for the first time ever, we’ve seen the evolution of a series that openly criticizes mainstream body […]
It’s Friday, I have clothes on, and I am trying to revive this [picture-taking] habit. The green cropped cardigan came from Target; I can often smush my fatness into their XL sweaters and I make the most of that fact. The navy and white polka-dot dress is by Jane Bon Bon. The white cotton slip […]
It’s Friday, and welcome to your playlist! I’m trying to give these playlists little themes. I suppose some of them are more obvious than others. 1. “Beetlebum” // Blur. I was positively passionate about Britpop in my early twenties — this was the height of Oasis’ popularity, after all. And then Damon Albarn started listening […]
It probably comes as a surprise to no one, at this point, that I like the fat boys. I also like the fat girls, but I am inclined to think that the sexualization of fat men’s (or male-identified) bodies tends to receive less attention than it does with the females. This is undoubtedly because women […]
NB: Right, so, I wrote this for Friday and then completely forgot to post it. Okay, one more week with! I still haven’t had time to play with Grooveshark, darn it. For my international readers: evidently the licensing issue is going to be a problem no matter what service I use, and as I […]
I am having another slow blogging week, and thus I am returning to the well and revisiting/reblogging another old post. The “gnomes” story reproduced below was just written this past February, but is much beloved, both by me and evidently by many of you, if the emails I get about it — three in the […]
Well, we are slowly winding down to the (hopefully temporary) finale. Truth be told, as much as I love recapping, I do look forward to getting back to blogging about other things, like Janelle Monae, and this dress from ASOS. Angst-O-Meter (1-5): 5 Previously: The campers weighed in. Some will win, some will lose, some […]
Helpful commenter Cyn suggested I check out Grooveshark as a playlist-building alternative, and I’ve started dabbling over there for future posts. Alas, the learning curve was too steep for me to master in the three or four free minutes I’ve had to devote to it, so this week we are sticking with one more […]