Housekeeping: True Story

By | March 25, 2009

Firstly: the Fatshionista Twitter feed is being revived through the combined efforts of myself (insofar as remembering it exists) and the inimitable etana, who has fully embraced the art of blogging things in 140 words or less. Prior to today it hadn’t been updated in nearly a year, but if you’re into Twitter you should go add it now – since having an audience may help keep us committed to keeping it going.

Secondly: over the next several weeks, this website is going to be fully upgraded and redesigned, both on the user side and behind the scenes. While this is taking place, there may be unexpected periods of downtime. Your patience is appreciated as I awkwardly fumble through this intimidating process.

Thirdly: in the interest of keeping things on topic, FAT. FAT FAT FAAAAAT FAT.

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