Illustration for an 1883 advertisement for “Good Health Corset Waist”; “A Perfect Health Corset, Superior to All Others” Drawing features a corseted woman from the waist up, holding a hand mirror so the tiny corseted child beside her can see her reflection..

By Lesley | April 6, 2011 | Full size is 310 × 283 pixels

Illustration for an 1883 advertisement for "Good Health Corset Waist"; "A Perfect Health Corset, Superior to All Others" Drawing features a corseted woman from the waist up, holding a hand mirror so the tiny corseted child beside her can see her reflection.

Illustration for an 1883 advertisement for “Good Health Corset Waist”; “A Perfect Health Corset, Superior to All Others” Drawing features a corseted woman from the waist up, holding a hand mirror so the tiny corseted child beside her can see her reflection.

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